Our Dekhni Goan Konkani song dance, the enchanting Dekhni dance, the girls here dance to a quicker beat and tempo, just flawless. the charm lies in its simplicity with basic costume and musical anklets, although in public/stage performances, its very often overdone. Its about a girl who wishes to cross the river, to meet her lover, so she tries to woo the boatman, who seems to be in no mood. Finally, he relents with a kiss from her. Ah!! the Boatman. the ending has many versions. Credit: Melissa Fernandes
Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs
Hanv saiba poltodi voitam,damulea lognak voitam
I am going across the river, sir, I am going for Damu wedding
Maka saiba vatt dakoi, maka saiba vatu kolona
show me the way, sir, i do not know the way
Damulea mattvantu kolvontancho khellu
under the wedding canopy, the temple girls are dsncing
Damulea mattvantu kolvontancho kellu
the temple girls are dancing
2) Aga mhojea tarya mama, aga mojea tarya mama
oh my dear boatman, oh my dear boatman
2)Damulea mattvantu kolvontancho khellu
under the Damu wedding canopy the temple girls are dancing
Damulea mattvantu kolvontancho kellu
2)Ghe ghe ghe ghe ghe, ghe ga saiba,
take it, take it, take it, take it, sir
Maka naka gho, maka naka gho.
I do not want it, don't want it, dear girl
Ghe ghe ghe ghe ghe, ghe ga saiba,
Maka naka gho, maka naka gho.'