Omor Mog, a melodious love duet in konkani,
and heartfelt lyrics of vows and dedication to each other. and a spontaneous cast and their natural portrayal. credit : Knight & Day, Goa
Vocals: Carey Fernandes & Cielda Pereira Cast:: Melissa De Souza, Craig Ferrao
translation for Global audience, vid will load in few secs
.. doganim niz mog ami kello
the two of us loved truly
tum mhojem ani hanv tuzo jurament dillo
you are mine and I am yours, we made our vows
chondriman kupen ringolio dogaincho mog amcho surru zallo
bathed in moonlit night, our love began
tum mhojo fullacho jello tuka samboitolom
you're my bouquets of flowers, I'll protect you
She Chorus
mhonne mhuje tujerach asllem
My mind was only on you
tum ani moga gunna borro
you with good virtues( character)
sat vorsam mogan asllim, mog mhojo tuevem kello koro
we were in love for seven years, you loved me truly
He Chorus
tum mhojem ani hanv tuzo mogacho pettla uzo
you're mine and I am yours, our love is inflamed
tujea vinnem mhojean ravunk nezo
without you I cannot live
mog amcho dogaincho soddankal ravon uro
the love of ours must always remain forever
mogacho mog kortolom hanv tuzo
I will be loving you
eka mekak.. visvaxi ravon boro gorabho ami korunchak
with trust in each other, we 'll build a good home
eka mekak respet mann devun jivit sarunea
with respect for each other, let spend our lives
amchea modan rochnar Dev assa, tezea hatant jiv gallunea
between us there is Our Creator, lets put our lives in his hand
viat borem ailer sangatan fuddo koruea
through troubles and joys we'll fight together
she ch
he ch