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Mogachem Kantar (love song)

Mogachem Kantar

Mogachem Kantar (Love song) a longest litany of love and commitment dedicated to his love, and no girl can leave you after all that is said and done.

dedicated to : Aleka Velora Cardozo

vocalist:  Sanford Lovson Carvalho

Credit: Dramedy Queen.

Lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs


Moga tum Koro Valor maka ghomon ailo

My Love with you I came to know true value of love

shakin tujea mogan poddon

after falling in love with you

tuka poitoch tujea mogan dis ani dis hanv ghot

gazing at you, in love with you, day and night

mogachea somidaran buddon

drowning in love's Ocean

adin mujea jivitan tum naslem tedna

before you came into life

mhozo dis hanv kadtallon roddon

I used to spend my days my life in tears

tum yevun khalti jivitan mhojea uzvadd adllo

with you coming in my humble life you brought light

aiz moga kortam ontrollar uddon

today I love flying in heaven\

pisso zallam hanv mogan tujea

I am crazy in love with you

devanuch tuka oie dallam angea

God sent me an angel

soddanch kortolom tuji hanv puja

I always be devoted to you

tujea mogachi.....

soddun vochot tor diun maka soza

if you leave me give me heartbreak

punn hanv dortollom tuka kallzan mhojea

But I will keep you in my heart

sogllem sukh sounvasaran tuka diun vavrutolom

tum zavun asai mhuje bavlli

kedlem odrussek ailer tuzo hanv sangat sodchona

whatever the storm I will not leave your company

lagonk divchona tuka konnachi gavli

I will not let anyone bait you

aiz porot mhojem jivit khusalkaen jietant

Now I am living my life in happiness

tuench petolia khalzan divli\

you have kindled the lamp in my heart

koshlench. fudo . korunk anv sagat dittolom

vottan zaun tuji sauli

koriak moga lagona khosli than bhirant dista

maka korit mhunne ghat

tuji sopna sopnathan dis rath

lagon tuzo hanv soddchona hat

mhojea khallzan fokot tuka dhovorlea suvvath

palluenk divnaka khazzan pettleli vatt




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