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Goa Noketr Udentichem ( Goa Star of the Orient)

Goa Noketr Udentichem

Goa Noketr Udentichem, Goa star of the Orient a melodious and sprightly composition from cream of Goan vocalists Cielda Pereira , Avina Furtado, Everleigh Mascarenhas, Elaine Pinto, Shuniana Baptista, Frenzie Vito Rodrigues, Avito Pires de Menezes, Lenoy Gomendes Credit : Lenoy Gomendes

Lyrics with English translation for global audience, vid will load in few secs


Goa noketre udentichem

Goa the star of the Orient

Konnak visrunk zaina

nobody cannot forget

touristachem aita bhirem

a wave of tourists

Colva Baga Anjuna

Colva Baga Anjuna

zaddam maddani bhorlelem Goem

filled with trees and palm groves

Oslem ani dusrem Nah

you will not find another

Ek pauti Goem eaitokoch

Once you visit Goa

Porot vechim dissona

you don't feel like going back


Goa Goa Oh Goa, sobitain bhorlelem

............................adorned with beauty

Goa Goa Oh Goa , Goa amchem mogachem

................................... Our Goa with Love

Goechea thea sobit vellani

On our exotic sea shore

nustam martat kharvi tar

Our fisher man rope in the catch

sokallechem panteanim rapon udetai..

in the morning drag the net


soglleache ontar ghazta

on everyone lips sings

Goa sobit tujem nhav

Goa how beautiful your name



Goenkar bhav vavurtat pordesani

our Goan brothers work overseas

xipoddlea sonvsarachea mappar

spread out throughout the world

Bhaila ghavant eksurponne sanstat

in foreign countries they suffer loneliness

soddun ghallea familia ghorkar

away from family and home

Goenche amche ugdass

they dream of Goa

vavr ami kortat tarvar

we work on the ship

Saiba amka samball

Our LOrd(St francis) guard us

tunch amcho dir and adhar

you are help and our hope



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