Kalliz Vhelem Chorun (you stole my heart) An Ole classic of of love and betrayal.
vocalist: Avina Furtado /Armando Gomes/ Pricy Da Gama Credit to BTR
lyrics with English translation, vid will load in few secs.
La la la la la la....
La la la la la la...
Kallzak mhojea tumven chavoilelem,
You have warmed my heart
Mogachea udkan maka navoilelem,
You've have bathed me in streams of love
Kazar mhojea lagim zata mhunn ravoilelem,
because you promised to marry me, I had waited
Konn antam vorot ful tem bavoilelem,
Now who will befriend me, a faded flower.
Mog mhozo korun, kalliz vhelem chorun,
With your love, you stole my heart
Dis antam kaddtam dolle dukhanim bhorun,
I spend my days with eyes drained with tears
Kitlo tum dharun, patok hem adarun,
You betrayed me and have sinned greatly
Gelo tum kallzak mhojea balo marun…
You have gone now, piercing my heart with arrow
Khoxeachea lharar maka choloitatlo,
In the waves of happiness you will bask me
Mogachea painear maka dolloitalo
You will sway me in the swing of love
Mogall utranim uloitalo,
Words of love you will utter
Fottkirea monan mista bulloitalo.
But with cheating mind to fool me......
Kalliz Vhelem Chorun