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Confession of love, Konkani love duet

Confession of love, Konkani love duet

Confession of love , a lengthy Konkani love duet of a couple going through a rough patch and working through it and then reuniting. with a confession of Vocalists : Bushka & Rosario De Benaulim

Actors : Kerryann Albuquerque & Dylan Fernandes

Credit : MRose Production

Lyrics with English translation, vid link will load in few secs.



Kitem chintlealea, kitem godlea, monatlea chintop monanut urlea,

What did I think, what did happen, my thoughts remained in my head alone

Khoxeachi sopona , anv soponeatali, anvochit zagoun nideatealea utlea,

Happy dreams, I used to dream, but suddenly I woke up from my slumber

Eka suknea pori, varear vudlea, porva keli na kitea jivit fudlea,

Like a bird , I flew in the air, I did not think about my life's future

Somderachea, larar khelltalea , tufan eaat mun chintuak naslea,

I used to play by the ocean waves, never thought about the coming storm


Fugar zavon rodtai, konak xintai, ugdas kor fatlea nieal korun,

You are overcome with grief, whom do you blame, remember the past and understand

Sanglealem teana, dhorleana kanar, vorear vorear aslem varear vudon,

My advice then, you did not heed , you were lost in the clouds

Patkacho pantlo, tumvem matear gheatlo, fotichea vozea tea patlean boroun,

Baskets of sins you carried in your head, full to the brim with lies and deceits

Sotacho divo, tumvem paloun vealo, bhogsonea mag kumsar koroun.

The lamp of truth , you blew off , ask for forgiveness with the confession

Chorus: Confession of love, confession of love, confession of loveeeeeeeeeeee………


Gunea zallo munon, ghaeta anv manun, mogachea tufanan ghiraslea,

Tumvem Sanglem boreak, bearea kanar ghetlea, beporvaechea painean dolea,

Bon dhorun nodor, kheali anvem outor,dusreachea patkak anv kennuik vurlea.

Vugotot dholea, varea pavous godogodea, dukachea nodin podoun budlea


Munon mojea anjea, Sozomailea tuca, arpurbhaiean gopan dhorun ,

Buzovoneo gheatleo, korneo na sodleo, ghelea umtea khovoxear udok ghalun,

Aiz umbrar vubea, paiek na zotea, dukan vo mogan tuca veagin dhoru,

Faido na rodon, ghello vhell soron, bhosonea mag kumsar koroun.

Chorus: Confession of love, confession of love, confession of loveeee……..


Utrani tuzea, sozomekai asli, pun tum nukoi anv bogotalem kitea,

Sothacho darvoto, korun vugoto, dukok naca aslem khaliz tuzea,

Manlealem sangnea, aiz dukachea dhapnea, fugar khorchea naslea jivit mozea,

Sukachi dhori, Hatatli sodun, Dukachi fas gholean ghaluk pavolea,


Poloun ho beas tuzo, bon zata suskar mozo, jivit aslea sukachea tolea,

Tuca kai unea naslea, rostear pavol chuklea, jivitar vodlea cheador kavea,

Sandlolo rosto, aiz sodun ailea porto, sodanch ugtea dar aslea mozea.

Besanv dita, vigorjean vochon atam, korun kumsar jivit jivea novea.

Chorus: Confession of love, confession of love, confession of loveeeeeeee……

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